Microsoft 365 Accounts

Save emails via Drag & Drop with the Outlook Add-In

Another quick way to save emails using the Outlook Add-In is via the Drag & Drop feature. However, be mindful this option will not categorise that email as having been saved.

We have already spoken about how to save individual and multiple emails with the Outlook Add-In in previous articles, however there is another quick way which you may find useful.

That is Drag & Drop.

This feature is extremely quick in comparison, however the only downside here is that when you use the other methods of saving emails you automatically have a category added to that Outlook Email to signify that it has been saved to SILQ. Unfortunately, using the Drag & Drop method, this does not happen.

If categories is not something you use then Drag & Drop really is great.

Here is how you do it:

1. First, select the relevant matter number

2. Find the email you would like to save

3. Drag it to the Drop Here section

4. That's it, the document is now saved in the matter folder.

Outlook Addin Drag and Drop