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How do I get my signature to look the way I want in SILQ?
SILQ gives you the ability to edit your signature either via simple editing or HTML for more advanced editing
Your signature editor can be found in two places:
1. In the inbox
2. When you click on generate document, there is a signature button in the bottom left hand corner
Most signatures can simply be copied directly out of your emailing software (e.g. Outlook) and pasted directly into the simple email editor in SILQ.
If after pasting your signature into the simple editor it does not look the way you prefer, then please contact SILQ support and they will assist you by following the below steps to edit via the HTML editor:
1. Open Email that contains the Signature (preferably an email with only a signature in it)
2. Save as HTML -
a. File
b. Save as
c. In the save as type, select HTML from the dropdown
3. copy files in <htmlfile>_files/ to S:\Server Data\web\images\<ClientImageFolder>
4. open with notepad
5. replace <htmlfile>_files (file that you saved the html as) Eg SILQ%20signature%20test_files
with https://api10.silq.com.au/images/ClientImageFolder
6. remove XML - remove the text between the <xml> tag and the </xml>, including the tags themselves
7. remove Font/Style definitions which are inside a comment tag i.e. between <!-- and --> including the <!-- and -->
8. remove unwanted text (stuff above the signature)
9. Paste into the HTML section for the Signature