Microsoft 365 Accounts

How do I get my Inbox to visually show that an email has been saved to SILQ?

Emails saved from Outlook to SILQ can be categorised to visually show that quickly an easily.

It Once you have saved an email from Outlook to your SILQ Matter Folder, (this will not work if you are using Drag & Drop) SILQ can categorise that email to show that this has been done, making it easy to know where you are up to during the day. It will look like this:

However, in order for the colour to show, you will need to just once follow the below steps:

1. In your Outlook Add-In, Click on the Categorization Icon:

2. This window will then appear. Please highlight the SavedInSILQ (not in Master Category List)

3. Click on New. It will come up as this:

4. Choose the colour you would like and/or a shortcut key then click on OK

5. The previous screen will then update to this, and the categories will be shown as per the first image above:

Important - This will not work if you are using the drag and drop option.