Subscription & Billing
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How Can I Update My Billing Details in SILQ?

Updating billing details such as address, credit card / direct debit details etc can be done online in SILQ

All billing details can be updated from within SILQ from the subscriptions and billing tab.

To do so:

1. Click on the settings cog on the top right corner

2. On the left hand side scroll down to the bottom tab called Subscriptions & Billing

3. You will see this screen:

4. From there, you will be redirected to our billing portal which will give you the option to update all of your details, update your plan with SILQ and show all of your past invoices. Simply edit anything necessary 

5. To edit your Payment Method, scroll down to payment method and click on '+ add payment method', then fill in the required details and click on add.

6. To edit your billing information such as address, email, phone number etc - scroll down to the billing information section. Underneath your information, you will see a pencil icon that says update information. Click on that, make any necessary changes and click on save.

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How do I update the number of licences I have in SILQ?

How can I view previous SILQ Invoices