Invoice Management

Are Deleted Invoice Numbers Re-Claimed?

When you delete an invoice, the invoice number will either be reclaimed automatically or can be re-claimed manually.

When deleting invoices, as long as there is no newer invoice number than the one you have already deleted, SILQ will automatically re-claim that deleted invoice number.

If there is a new invoice number than the one deleted, you can still reclaim the invoice number you deleted, however it will have to be done manually.

Here is an example:

You just created invoice #100 and did not create and new invoices after that.

Then you go and delete #100.

When you create a new invoice it will re-claim #100.

However, if you create Invoices #100 and #101 but only delete #100 then the next time you create an invoice it will create #102.

In order to get #100 back in this case you would need to manually allocate the new invoice back to #100.

If #100 is not available, the system will give you an error message and not allow it to be saved.